From a young age I had a facination in card manipulation and sleight of hand, which ended up transitioning to a love of cardistry.
Cardistry eventually lead me to wanting to purchase my first 'cardistry' deck in 2016. At this point I had been following the work being done by the Virts for a couple years, and decided my first enthusiast deck should be a Virtuoso.
Naturally I bought a Brick of SS16...
And so sparked the flame...
I had always been somewhat of a collector of various interests, so I should have known this was a dangerous purchase...
Nowadays I have a bit of everything, but I gravitate to decks that are more like artwork, decks that have a passionate designer/artist behind them.
Yes... my favourite decks are from the man himself, Lotrek.
Now Lotrek's masterpieces are just about the only decks I still buy. And I'm always looking for my white whales (see wishlist).
I'm always happy to talk cards :)