Cherry Casino Fremont's are the latest installment of the ever popular Cherries Playing Cards line.
What was once a tropical jungle, is now the world's largest desert... The Sahara.
Evolution. Change. Transformation.
This edition features the iconic back design that playing card enthusiasts have grown to love, complete with a striking new color-way: Sahara Green. With inspiration stemming from 1970’s Vegas Casino Playing Cards, Fremont’s not only adopt design elements from vintage decks but also replicate their finish and handling.
Printed from The United States Playing Card Company on crushed Bee stock, Fremont’s are a sheer dream to handle by Conjurers and Cardists alike; thin yet snappy, they maintain exceptional quality throughout the duration of their usage. Thus, they last far longer than traditional decks.
Experience a deck for yourself, and appreciate its manufactured precision and stunning craftsmanship.