This Split Spades deck is made in the establishment of a magic class by David Blaine with Studio. The first 10,000 students who enrolled to the class will receive a complimentary gift of this exclusive deck: one signed for collection and one unsigned for use. Colors are randomized and you can't choose what color you will get. The identical Jokers feature an illustration of a bald guy spewing ravens with few of the birds perched on top of the head and trees sprouted from the ears. The two extra cards featured an illustration of Asi Wind's magic book and a step-by-step guide to do Charlier Cut. This Split Spades is marked for order number of a Mnemonica Stack [but the deck comes in New Deck Order].
Conjuring Arts has been given a very small cache of a very special deck that David Blaine made for a private event at Dell. David has signed each deck's tuck box (so the cello has been removed) making each deck the ultimate collectors' item.