There are whispers, gargles, clicks, ultraviolet screams, and telepathic emanations all telling of a special place in the universe--a place where beings of all form and function can congregate. Where entities can lay aside their grievances, their cares, and their insatiable hungers (even you, Galactaboi!) and just... chill.
An everybeing's paradise among the stars! A soothing respite from the harshness of space. And, for those who wish--oh yes--a place to test your skill, luck, and quantum grift. A place to risk the fate of your species! A place to risk nothing at all. A place to shuffle a deck thrice and know that you, in this vast universe, have achieved uniqueness.
So chart a course! Prepare for the ultimate in comfort, and play the hand/tentacle/darkmatter-astral-projection that you're dealt.
Crushed Premium stock, Linen finish
Traditional cut
Identical jokers
Casino cut card
Double-backer gaff card
Printed by the United States Playing Card Company
Full Deck Scan: