We are proud to announce that the United Cardists Forum has been acquired into the Portfolio52 family to create a cohesive card collecting experience across the greater playing card community. P52 and the UC community have a long history of working closely together among collectors, most notably in organizing and managing the ‘Deck of the Year’ DOTY Awards this past January. We’re beyond excited to continue together under the P52 brand to help build and strengthen a passionate community for collectors, creators, and for many of us, long-time personal friends.
We aim to continue to provide support in contributing and growing both personally and professionally through shared community values, knowledgebase, and experience in all things related to the wonderful hobby we love. To ease people in, the two sites will remain branded as they are until the end of this year where the sites will officially merge into the P52 interface along with new features that will better help create a more cohesive site experience.
To mark this new exciting journey together we will be debuting the Odd Fellows series as the first official P52 branded deck with the amazingly talented Lorenzo. Official pictures will be released tomorrow along with campaign launch details later this week. @stockholm17 and ourselves have been itching to show all of you and we hope to see you join us.